Monthly & Weekly Goal Ideas For 2024
Setting goals is an awesome way to start new habits and improve yourself. When you have something to work towards whether it’s a short or long-term goal. You’re able to challenge yourself and grow.

In today’s post, you’ll discover 50 goal ideas to inspire you. This can be helpful if you don’t know what goals to set or where to start. Here are personal goal ideas to set for the month!

50 Goal Ideas To Change Your Life
Monthly Goals To Set In 2024
- Drink more water – staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health. Here is a fun water bottle to keep you on track!
- Eat more balanced meals – this will help you to ensure that you’re getting your daily intake of fruits and veggies.
- Cook more meals at home – by making this a goal you will not only save money but also improve your cooking skills.
- Lower your sugar intake
- Start a food journal – logging your meals can help you note how certain foods affect your body and help you keep track of what you eat throughout the day.
- Move your body daily – whether it’s pilates, walking, or jogging. Here are a few ways to stay fit without a gym.
- Find healthy ways to reduce stress – managing your stress is crucial and can take a toll on your well-being. In this post, I share 30 restorative ways to practice self-love.
- Start each day with gratitude – expressing all that you are thankful for can help you to experience joy each day and is a fantastic way to romanticize your life.
- Create a sleep routine – having habits and an environment to help you unwind before bed is an awesome way to improve your sleep quality and help you feel more energized when waking up!
- Lower your screen time – creating a healthy relationship with your devices is important to your overall health. Doing digital detoxes regularly or setting a daily limit can help you achieve this goal.
- Pray more – prayer is not only a form of self-care, but it is also a great way to lean on your faith. Whether it’s praying alone, with your partner, or praying for someone in need. Prayer is an amazing way to build your faith and experience feelings of peace, comfort, unity, and joyfulness at any moment.
- Learn a new hobby – tap into your creative side and spend time doing something enjoyable.
- Listen to podcasts – podcasts are a great way to gain helpful insight while doing your daily activities such as cleaning, working out, etc.
- Let go of toxic relationships – are there any negative people in your life? If so, it would be great to reconsider those relationships and their impact on your life and whether or not you would like to keep those in your life.
- Plan a vacation
- Give out more compliments – kindness goes a long way, make someone feel special by complimenting them!
- Make a bucket list
- Learn how to say no – without an explanation.
- Let go of a bad habit
- Set goals for the upcoming year
- Use a planner – planning is great for keeping track of important dates and mapping out your goals. This planner is an awesome way to stay organized and create a plan of action to achieve your goals.
- Create routines – creating intentional routines to help you kickstart your day and end your day with ease and will help you stay grounded.
- Create a budget – take control of your finances by reviewing your income, bills, and expenses each month!
- Save more money – creating financial goals will help you take the needs towards having financial peace.
- Declutter your home
- Start making your coffee at home – making your own coffee at home will save you time and money. Find a delicious coffee recipe to make at home!
- Step outside of your comfort zone
- Say positive affirmations daily – there is so much power in the words you speak. Find a few positive affirmations to say daily that inspire change and growth!
- Improve your credit score
- Spend more time alone – creating a healthy balance of socializing with others and moments of solitude is crucial to help you discover yourself more and recharge. Here are the benefits of spending more time alone!
- Set monthly goals
- Improve the quality of your relationships
- Complete a 30-day challenge
- Opt-in for clean beauty products – take your beauty routine to the next level and invest in some clean beauty products that are more sustainable. This Skincare Hydration Kit is a product that works wonders!
- Improve your mindset
- Stop gossiping
- Improve your time management skills – becoming more aware of how you spend your time will help you prioritize the important things to you. It will also show you the things that are time wasters, which will ultimately help you be more intentional when it comes to how you are spending your time.
- Learn how to become more disciplined
- Regularly plan date nights – make it a goal to plan date nights for yourself and your partner to keep the spark alive!
- Change your appearance – give yourself a new look this upcoming year. Try a new hairstyle, or hair color, or even revamp your wardrobe.
- Organize your life – creating structure in your personal and work life is an amazing way to get super organized.
- Start living intentionally – making the conscious decision to live intentionally will help you be more mindful of your habits and help you ensure there is the intention behind everything you do and do not do.
- Improve your personal growth
- Volunteer
- Focus on one thing at a time – learning to focus on one thing at a time will help you reduce stress and complete tasks or handle situations more efficiently.
- Monetize your passion
- Write three things you’re grateful for each morning – practicing gratitude is a powerful way to show appreciation towards all that you’re grateful for. This is both a mood booster and a tool that inspires more blessings into your life.
- Make time for fun – it’s easy to get caught up in your everyday life. This is why it’s important to make time for fun activities to enjoy a few times throughout the month.
- Implement plant-based alternatives to your favorite dishes – tip-toeing into healthier options is a fun way to improve your diet and your health!
- Trust yourself more – learning how to follow your intuition will help you become more confident when making decisions.