Happy December! It’s so crazy how fast this year as flown by. There has been many ups and downs throughout the year but making it this far is a reminder of how blessed we truly are.

To know God and receive is His love is more than enough. And for Him to show us time after time how loving and faithful He is regardless of our circumstances, efforts, and performance is worth being thankful for.
However, listening to God’s voice can deepen your faith and show you overtime time that inner knowing always comes from Him.
His sweet and gentle voice will work wonders in your life if you allow it to guide you daily.
One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in life is how to listen to God’s voice rather than simply acting on my feelings, opinions of others, or living a distracted life.
How Do You Truly Listen To God?
Listening to God starts with reducing the noise in your life. This may look like minimizing distractions or simply creating a more intentional daily routine so that you invite God into your life.
It may feel challenging, boring, and repetitive. But, it’s essential to deepening your walk with God and living a life joy and true fulfillment. A few simple and effective things you can do to grow in faith daily are:
- Creating a morning routine that allows you to spend time with God.
- Reading a chapter of the Bible each day.
- Praying.
- Doing a daily devotional.
- Saying Biblical affirmations throughout the day.
- Practicing gratitude.
As important as is to listen to God, it’s also important to believe the words He speaks to you. A great way to include God in your decisions is asking yourself the following questions:
- Does this align with scripture?
- Is this His Will or my feelings and emotions getting the best of me?
- Is this pushing me closer to God or away from Him?
- Do my actions reflect His character?
These are just few questions you can ask yourself and reflect on. Whether it’s a habit, decision, or something on your heart that you need clarity from God.
When you make room for Him in your life, you receive the guidance, peace, and reassurance that you are longing for.
In today’s post, I share the top 3 ways I’ve learned to hear and listen to God. I hope this post reminds you that you are never alone nor are you ever forgotten and how deeply loved you are by God.
And whatever change you wish to see in your life, He can make all things new and better than you could ever imagine! Here are 3 Tips On Hearing From God. 🙏✝️🎐💫💌

2024 Diaries | Week 50: Tips On Listening To God
How To Hear God’s Voice
1. Determine What In Your Life If Blocking God’s Voice
In today’s world, it’s so easy to get distracted. We can be distracted by responsibilities, our devices, circumstances, people, and even our own thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Distractions come in many forms and many are typically considered harmless. But, overtime, we begin to see the impact of things we do repeatedly that may be cause us to feel stagnant.
To get clear of the specific things that are hindering you from hearing God’s voice you can simply grab a sheet of paper and write down your daily habits to reflect on how you’re spending your time.
Then, you can determine if each of the actions align with your vision. Next, you can set the boundaries necessary that will allow you to listen more effectively to God when He speaks.
When God speaks to you may feel led to start letting go of the things that are hindering your spiritual growth and start creating more space for God to work within your life.
Whatever it is that you’re praying for, you must be willing to do your part while God does what only He can do. As a result He will bless you according to His will. Which is always much better than what we could ever do for ourselves.
2. Know That God Is Always Speaking
God is always speaking to us.
I’ve learned over the years how important it is to be mindful and live an intentional life. Although we may have busy, challenging, and uncertain seasons, we can have full confidence by remembering His promises and trusting His plan.
No matter what what you’re facing, always remember that when you need guidance, comfort, encouragement, healing, peace, and wisdom, you can rely on Him.
He is available 24/7 and is always looking for opportunities to bless our minds, lives, and show His goodness within our lives.
If you’re having a difficult time hearing God’s voice, here are few ways I’ve learned to listen and hear God’s voice daily:
- Prayer – tell Him how you’re feeling or ask for what ever you may need in that moment.
- Spend time in nature – take a prayer walk, listen to worship music, or simply enjoy the sounds of nature and ask God to speak to you.
- Replace your fears with scripture.
3. Act On Faith
My last and final tip on listening to God is acting on whatever He puts on your heart to do. It could be that thing you’ve been putting off, that difficult decision you’re trying to make, or reshaping your daily life to live a more blessed life.
Which I believe is taking care of the blessings God has blessed you with. Your mind, body, home, finances, relationships, health, work, and other responsibilities are all areas that you can include Him in and put your faith to practice.
Intentions alone aren’t enough to change your life and live a life you enjoy.
Being intentional, disciplined, thankful, and hopeful are all ways to appreciating the blessings that surround you while waiting for God to bless you with blessings and new opportunities.
If you ever feel confused, overwhelmed, or don’t know where to start, ask Him for what ever you need. Whether you need clarity, peace, discernment, discipline, or other resources. He will lead you every step of the way and provide your every need. ✝️💜
These Are Tips On Listening To God
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