September 28, 2023Autumn is such beautiful time of year. The leaves are falling, the weather is cooler, and warm drinks just make the season feel even more cozier. With that being said, today we’ll be chatting about how to make the most of autumn mornings.

During autumn we still have work that needs to get done, responsibilities that need our attention, and to also make time for the people and things that are important to us.
Which makes it difficult and may seem impossible to make time for ourselves.
As we enter the start of the new and busy season, it’s crucial to set aside time for yourself.
By doing so, you are making the effort to prioritize your well-being. This will help you create balance and help you show up more effectively in your daily life.
There is not perfect morning routine that works for everyone. However, getting inspired and creating a daily routine schedule for your life is key.
So, implementing new habits into your life that help you romanticize life before starting your day can help you have better days.
Having a morning routine that allows you to feel extra cozy can help you maintain that feeling throughout your day.
In today’s post, I share with you my morning routine for autumn mornings. The habits that I mention has taken time to develop and has helped me figure out what works for me.
Also would like to say that while I try to stick with this morning routine daily there are days that I don’t complete all the things. So, be gentle with yourself and be open to trying new things until you find something the works for you.
Here are my morning habits for autumn mornings!

Autumn Mornings | 8 Things I Do To Stay Cozy And Productive
Autumn Morning Routine Ideas
1. Wake Up Early Each Morning

Waking up at reasonable time that allows you to nourish your mind, body, and soul is a great way to elevate your autumn morning routine.
When you give yourself more time to prepare for the day mentally, physically, and spiritually, you are giving yourself the care you need to fulfill daily tasks and responsibilities.
I typically wake up before 6 AM most days and I’ve discovered that earlier I awake the more time I have to prepare myself for the day and the more effective I am throughout the day.
So, try waking up 30-60 minutes a few times throughout the week and create a self-care morning routine for mindfulness, movement, and productivity.
2. Make Bed

Making your bed each morning takes as little as 3-5 minutes to complete. It’s a task that may seem so small and simple, but it is something that can help you have a positive start to your day.
Keeping your space tidy and organized is a fantastic way to free your mind of clutter and make your space a space that promotes positivity and inspiration.
3. Drink Water To Hydrate

The next thing that I like to do during my morning routine is to drink water. Each night before bed I make sure to fill my water bottle before going to sleep.
And by doing so, I am getting hydrated before starting my day and having my morning coffee.
4. Quiet Time To Fuel My Faith

One of most favorite daily habits for autumn mornings is having quiet time.
During this time, I like to turn on my worship music playlist, practice gratitude, read my Bible or a devotional, pray and journal.
This habit has brought more joy and peace into my life. Making it a daily priority to spend time with God each morning helps me stay reminded of who He is, who I am, and His promises.
5. Exercise For 60 Minutes

Next, I like to focus on movement. I enjoy going on walks and trying different at home workouts on YouTube.
Right now I’ve been implementing different workouts by Grow With Jo into my exercise routine a few days throughout my week. Getting into fitness comes with many benefits for your overall health and wellbeing.
If you’re wanting to prioritize your health this autumn, then I recommend finding a few workouts that you enjoy to help you get into fitness.
6. Get Ready For The Day

After preparing my space, mind, and body for the day. I then get ready for the day.
This includes, showering, skincare, getting dressed, pretty much all the things.
Once I’m dressed for the day and feel put together I check in with my hubby and my pup before bringing my morning routine to a close.
7. Eat Breakfast And Enjoy A Warm Coffee

Now that I’ve completed my morning self-care habits I prepare a breakfast to nourish my body for the day that is ahead of me.
For breakfast, I like to keep things pretty simple.
Being vegan has helped me come up with lots of breakfast options by simple using veggies. Right now I am loving breakfast tacos. And I can’t forget to mention my warm cup of coffee.
8. Plan My Day & Get To Work

Another thing I look forward to doing each day is using my planner. The planner I’m using now is the Undated Portrait Mid-Year Planner by PaperNRoses.
With this planner I am able to keep my days as simple as possible and focus more being the person I want to be by doing the the small things daily that put me one step closer to achieving my goals.
My daily planning routine for this season is to spend as little time in my planner and more time showing up and completing tasks.
Using different productivity methods and apps also help me to stay focused and not get distracted. Resulting in better time management and working smarter and not harder!
These Are My Daily Habits For Autumn Mornings
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