Showing yourself compassion helps you practice gentleness with yourself and others. In today’s post, I share habits that you can implement into your life to be more gentle.

Being gentle with yourself is important. Since our relationship with ourselves determines the way we show up and the quality of our relationships. It’s essential to be kind to ourselves and others to live a healthy and joyful life.
If we aren’t showing ourselves kindness and gentleness then it can become easy to let negativity into our lives. Whether you’re being to hard on yourself for not reaching a goal or milestone, allowing negative thoughts and emotions stop you from taking action, or living in fear.
The way you approach challenges and the type attitude you have when you face problems can make all the difference. Being gentle with yourself may not take away all your problems but it will help you to embrace and enjoy each season of life. Which will also teach you how to be more patient and loving towards both yourself and others.
How Do I Be Gentle With Myself?
It’s so easy to go against the grain and not practice compassion in the the moment. This may look like reacting instead of responding, being defensive, speaking harshly to yourself, or even completely ignoring your feelings or the feelings of others. This is why I believe that being gentle with yourself starts with accountability, followed by taking positive action.
Now, let’s get into the 5 Habits To Help You Be More Gentle With Yourself.

5 Habits To Help You Be More Gentle With Yourself
How To Practice Gentleness
1. Practice Kindness
Give yourself grace when you make mistakes or when you feel like you fallen short. Acknowledging who you are and how far you’ve come is another important thing to keep in mind. Knowing that you are not defined by your shortcomings, past, or mistakes will allow you to be more kind to yourself. So, do things daily that help you spread kindness both internally and externally.
2. Be Forgiving
Another way to be more gentle is to become a more forgiving person. Forgiveness can add more peace and joy into your life. When you make the decision to not hold on to hurt, pain, or disappointment you free yourself any unwanted feelings. By doing so, you’re able to move forward and live a more fulfilling life. Therefore, learning how to forgive yourself will assist you on your healing journey as well as you ability to offer forgiveness to others.
3. Be Patient
Patience allows you to live in a flow state. If you’re wanting to become a more gentle person, then learning how to be patient will help you embrace the process. No matter what you’re wanting to see a change in, you must trust that what is meant for you in life will not pass you by. However, building discipline and keeping up with good habits will help you work towards your desired outcomes little by little. I’ve learned that no matter how things may look you must have faith and keep moving forward no matter what.
4. Allow Yourself To Heal
Another habit that helped me become more gentle is allowing myself to heal. Giving myself permission to acknowledge my feelings helps me to process them in a healthy way. Journaling, prayer, improving my faith, talking to a loved one, and allowing myself to feel all the feels are all ways I express and release anything that cause unwanted feelings.
And while healing is a journey, you also learn so much about about yourself during this time that helps you become stronger and much wiser than before. There’s just something so empowering about a healing journey that gives you a new glow and a heart fill with gratitude.
5. Embrace Each Day
The last habit that I would like to share today that will help you be more gentle is to embrace each day. Romanticizing your life and living a life that you enjoy can lead to you being a more pleasant person. Surrounding yourself with positivity, being positive person, and staying optimistic in life can help you be more present and gentle. So, treat each day as it’s own, appreciate the the life you live, and spread kindness to all! 🫶
These Are 5 Habits You Can Practice For Gentleness
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