Decluttering your life and getting rid of clutter can improve clarity, boost productivity, and make your spaces more enjoyable. If you’re someone whose energy is easily impacted by your environment, then you may benefit from removing anything from your life that is just taking up space.

Having too much of anything is never good for health and wellness. The same goes for our physical, mental, and digital spaces.
If your spaces are messy and full of clutter, it can become difficult to enjoy a particular space.
And using decluttering quotes can motivate you to keep your spaces minimal and with less clutter as possible.
Resulting in you feeling more inspired, joyful, and positive within your spaces.
Getting into the habit of decluttering can help you create the atmosphere you wish.
From your living space to your digital space. In today’s post, I share with you 30 decluttering quotes to help promote peace, joy, and keep life simple.
Here are 30 Declutter Quotes You Need In Your Life.

30 Declutter Quotes You Need In Your Life
Decluttering Quotes To Help You Stay Organized
1. “What I know for sure is that when you declutter — whether it’s your home, your head, or your heart — it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.” – Peter Walsh
2. “Our excessive possessions are not making us happy. Even worse, they are taking us away from the things that do.” – Joshua Becker
3. “Clutter isn’t just the stuff in your closet, it’s anything that gets between you and the life that you want to be living.” – Peter Walsh
4. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

5. “Be sure that everything is done properly and in order.” – 1 Corinthians 14:40
6. “You’ll never get organized if you don’t have a vision for your life.” – Linda L. Eubanks
7. “Your home is a living space, not a storage space.” – Francine Jay
8. “The simpler the space, the calmer the mind.” – Jennifer Noseworthy
9. “If we want more healing and peace in the world, let us each start with our homes, our relationships, our mindsets, and ourselves.” – Lisa J. Shultz

10. “The more you own, the more it owns you.” – Unknown
11. “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:19-21
12. “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.” – Marie Kondo
13. “Keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for happiness in the future.” – Wayne L. Misner
14. “Get into the habit of asking yourself, “Does this support the life I’m trying to create.” – Unknown

15. “Stuff is not passive. Stuff wants your time, attention, allegiance. But you know it as well as I do, life is more important than the things we accumulate.” – Dave Bruno
16. “Getting rid of items isn’t a waste of money. The money was wasted when you bought the item, not when you let it go.” – Unknown
17. “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” – Hans Hofmann
18. “Some things cost way more when we keep them.” – Neeraj Agniihotri
19. “Imagine the waiting for you under all your clutter.” – Unknown

20. “Clutter may rob us of the life we imagined or prevent us from creating a new vision for our future.” – Lisa J. Shultz
21. “Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits.” – Eleanor Brown
22. “You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.” – Vernon Howard
23. “Owning less is great. Wanting less is better.” – Joshua Becker
24. “Just because something belongs to you doesn’t mean you should keep it for the rest of your life. Things are meant to be transitory.” – Susan Wright

25. “Tidying is the act of confronting yourself.” – Marie Kondo
26. “Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple, but significant.” – Maria Defillo
27. “All that clutter used to be money.” – Joshua Becker
28. “Picture your dream home. I bet it’s not filled with clutter.” – Joshua Becker
29. “Just because the space exists doesn’t mean it has to be full.” – Allie Casazza
30. “Clutter steals energy and joy.” – Monika Kristoffrsnie
These Are Decluttering Quotes You Need In Your Life
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