If you’re wondering wether or not having a long distance relationship worth it, let me start by saying yes. How do I know? Because I married my long distance boyfriend!

Dating long distance had its pros and cons just like any other relationship.
However, I want to start by saying having a successful long distance relationship that leads to marriage takes two dedicated people that are willing to be committed to one another.
It’s important to be open and honest while dating long-distance.
How Long To Date Long-Distance Before Marriage?
Before my husband and I started dating we had a conversation to discuss how long we’d plan to date long distance before moving closer/in with one another.
So we came up with a plan and we traveled to see one another about 1-2 times a month and dated for almost 2 years before moving in together.
Then about a year later he purposed, and we got married!!
Fast forward to today, we’ve been together for over 7 years! So again, yes it’s possible your LDR can turn into a marriage.
It’s the effort that you two give that will build a healthy relationship that not even distance can come between.
Long-distance relationships often get a bad rep. However, it is more than possible to have a healthy relationship with someone who you don’t see face to face daily.
Just like “regular relationships” it takes time to build an emotional connection, build trust, and maintain a healthy long-distance relationship while living your daily life.
A few years ago, my boyfriend at the time now-husband was in a long-distance relationship and overall it was a pretty fun experience for the both of us.
Today I’ll share a few ways to make the most of your relationship while dating long distance. Whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or considering getting into one.
Here are 7 ways to make your long-distance fun, healthy, and a relationship that lead to marriage.

How To Turn A Long Distance Relationship Into A Marriage
Habits To Have Long-Distance Relationship Success
1. Communicate Daily
Although you may be miles apart, you must communicate with your significant other regularly.
Since you aren’t physically together it’s vital that you keep them informed about your plans for the day and healthy communication habits can improve your relationship and help you feel a sense of closeness.
Sending your significant other a text, calling them, or face timing them at the start or end of the day and before work can help connect even if you are miles apart.
2. Be Honest About Your Expectations
In addition to communication, it is also essential to be clear on your expectations for your relationship.
For example, how long you plan to be long-distance, how often you plan to see each other, and relationship boundaries.
Having an understanding of what’s expected can help create a positive dynamic in your relationship and help build an emotional connection.
3. Make Plans To See Each Other
Knowing when you will see each other is crucial to maintaining a long-distance relationship.
Coming up with dates that don’t interfere with your personal and work life will make it so much easier to plan trips to meet up and see one another. Discussing a date(s), location, and having a plan for the holidays helped my husband and me in the past.
Depending on how far apart you live, you may see your significant other once a few, every other week, or once a month.
Regardless, it’s always best to know in advance when you will be spending time together. And be sure to make the most of the time you do have with one another.
4. Plan Financially
Talking about finances in relationships is extremely important, especially when it comes to long-distance relationships.
There are many expenses that you have to make when being in a long-distance relationship. From traveling expenses, food, entertainment, and more.
All these are things that quickly add up very quickly and should plan financially for your trips and seeing your significant other.
5. Talk About Differences
While distance does make the heart grow fonder, it’s crucial to discuss your concerns.
Communicating with your significant other can help you resolve issues before they become a bigger problem.
Since your relationship may not be dating long distance forever, practicing healthy relationship habits is key to creating a positive dynamic between the two of you.
6. Surprise One Another
Just because you’re in a long-distance relationship doesn’t mean that you cant make romantic gestures to one another to make them feel extra special.
Having food delivered to one another, sending thoughtful gifts, or even writing letters to each other are fun ways to make each other feel appreciated and show them that you’re thinking about them.
7. Have Virtual Dates
While your living your daily life and waiting for the next trip to see your significant other have some fun indulging in virtual dates.
This will help bring fun into your long-distance relationship and may make you feel closer to your partner even when you are not.
Having virtual dates were so much fun when my husband and I were dating long distance. One of my favorite virtual dates was video chatting via FaceTime and binge-watching our favorite shows on Netflix.
There are many activities that you enjoy while in a long-distance relationship. Whether it’s weekly or daily, plan ahead a date that the two of you can enjoy.
So that you can spend some time connecting and enjoying each other’s company.
8. Focus On The Good
There are so many benefits of being in a long-distance relationship. It may not be the easiest, however, it is something special about building a bond with your significant other that others may not understand.
When your relationship is based on an emotional connection you’re able to connect on a deeper level.
A long distant relationship helps you cherish each moment that you spend with one another and when you are no longer separated by the distance you will look back at those moments and show gratitude to your partner daily!
I Hope You Enjoyed These Tips On Having Long-Distance Relationship Success
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