Today’s post is all about wellness activities you can practice to reset and refresh your day.

There is so much excitement and motivation that lead up to start a new week or new day. You may plan out your entire week and feel determined to accomplish your daily goals.
But there are times when we get distracted and spend our time doing things that interfere with the goals and intentions we set for the day. Or perhaps you feel stuck in a rut, overwhelmed, find yourself lacking motivation.
If you’re finding yourself needing to reset your day for focus, positivity, peace, happiness, or productivity then you may benefit the wellbeing activities mentioned in today’s post.
What Activities Support Wellbeing?
Activities that support wellbeing are practices that help you to feel grounded, aligned, and bring joy to your life.
When you have activities that allow you to improve your mental, emotional and physical health you have the power to turn any day around. Which is why I find it helpful to have rituals for resetting my mind and focus.
Engaging in wellness activities for as little as 10 minute can help you turn any day around and improve the quality of life. Here are 15 wellbeing activities you can start today that inspire you to both live and enjoy the life you live.

15 Wellbeing Activities To Reset Your Day
Daily Wellness Activities To Improve Your Day
1. Do A Digital Detox
A wellbeing activity that I find myself doing regularly is disconnecting from my devices.
There are many ways you can benefit from doing a digital detox.
And if you’re wanting to keep your mental wellness a priority on a day to day basis, then setting healthy boundaries with your devices and staying aware of your screen time can help you achieve this goal.
2. Get Into Planning
Using a planner of any kind can help you improve time management, stay on top your goals, and prioritize the things that are most important to you.
A planner may also help eliminate mental clutter of tasks and to-do’s. If you don’t use a planner, then I recommend finding a simple planner that will help you keep track of the basics.
This will help you get organized, simplify life, and inspire you to live more meaningful life.
3. Writing
Writing is a wonderful way to express yourself and clear your mind.
If you find yourself with a busy mind, then writing may be one way that you can create a clear headspace. This will improve focus and help you be more present in the moment.
Writing can also be used as a creative outlet by sharing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions with others.
4. Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are a great way to practice positive self talk. When you use affirmations daily, you begin you feel more empowered and confident.
Your mindset is powerful. From the thoughts you think, to the words your speak about yourself. Both have the ability to impact who you are as a person, your beliefs, and your life.
So, no matter what kind of day you’re having, positive affirmations can make a positive impact on your mental and emotional health.
5. Nature Walks
Nature walks are probably one of the best wellness activities that you can do.
Since nature can make a positive impact on your mood and is a great way to clear your mind you’ll be amazed at how well you feel after nice walk outdoors.
Taking a 10-30 minute walk daily in nature can help you engage in a wellness activity that may lead to living a healthier life.
6. Find A Hobby That Improves Your Faith
Making your spiritual life a priority can help you live a more fulfilled life.
Since our beliefs and what we stand for determines who we are and how we handle things it’s best to have a faith practice that you can implement into our daily routines.
This may look like reading a faith-based book, listening to inspirational music, prayer, or finding a community to join you on your walk.
7. Rest
Another wellness activity that you can practice to reset and refresh your day is allowing yourself to rest.
By letting go of the feeling of feeling behind and being more gentle with yourself.
If you find yourself operating from a place of fear and worry, give yourself grace to rest your mind and body so that you can be more effective in the things that you do.
8. Deep Breathing
Something I like to do when I’ve had a busy day is doing a few quick deep breathing exercises to help me regain focus.
This is a great wellness activity that can help you ease stress and anxiety mindfully. Taking a few moments for stillness and quietness can help you feel better before jumping to the next task.
9. Spend Quality Time With Your Loved Ones
Surrounding yourself with people you love and care about is another wellbeing activity that you can practice to turn your day around.
Work and other responsibilities can take a toll on our wellness while trying to meet demands and get things done.
If you find yourself needing a breath of fresh air this may be a good time to spend time with loved one so that you can take your mind off the seriousness of life and allow your self you enjoy the moment.
10. Read A Book
Reading is a great escape and one of the wellness activities I’m enjoying right now.
Finding a genre of books that you enjoy reading can be extremely beneficial to your mental health.
Having a screen-free activity that you can practice daily can help you start breaking unhealthy habits by switching them for good habits that bring more joy into your life and improve yourself.
11. Visualization
If you’re wanting to work on your mindset and keep focus on your goals, visualization is a great way to do so.
If there’s ever a time that you feel discouraged or stuck in life, visualizing your desired outcome and allowing yourself to dream can lead to positive action.
Keeping yourself reminded of your goals and what you’re working towards can give you hope and help you stay disciplined.
12. Play A Game
Giving yourself permission to have fun is essential. Especially in today’s world. If we are always working and tending to our responsibilities it’s crucial to make time for having fun.
Playing a game of some sort can be beneficial to your mental wellness and bring more excitement to your life.
Wether it’s solving a puzzle, playing a video or board game to help you feel more relaxed at ease after a long day of work.
13. Cooking
How are you feeling?
The foods we consume on a daily basis impact the way we feel which can impact our ability to focus and our overall health.
Making yourself healthy and nutritious meals at home can assist you in eating healthier meals that contribute to your health and wellness.
Getting into the habit cooking can ensure that you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs rather than dining out.
14. Learn Something New
Reset your day with learning!
Increasing your knowledge will make you smarter and more confident. When you feel confident you tend to feel better about yourself and the decisions you make.
If you’d like ideas on ways to increase your knowledge then id recommend checking out my post on 25 Daily Habits That Will Make You Smarter.
15. Create a Clear Space
Having mental clarity is impossible if your environment is cluttered and messy.
If you’re trying to focus it can become difficult to focus and work efficiently if your surrounding become a distraction.
Wether it be your physical space, mental space, or digital space. Staying organized can help increase productivity and set the desired vibe you wish within your space.
These Are Wellbeing Activities To Reset Your Day
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