Looking for productive things to do in your free time?
If you’re looking for better ways to spend time and want to get a few things done that you’ve been putting off, then I’ve got you covered.

When boredom strikes, there isn’t anything fun about it. If you’re in need of ways to stay productive, then hopefully today’s post will help you take a step in the right direction.
Even though, at times you’ll feel tempted to lounge around or binge-watch your favorite show. Especially, after finishing a long and tiring day of work.
Therefore, resorting to something that’s productive and working towards your goals are great ways to make the most of your free time.
Instead of letting time pass by and doing things, that are not productive, here are 101 things for you to do when you’re bored.

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101 Productive Things To Do When Bored
Productive Things Instead Of Scrolling:
1. Delete unneeded/duplicate photos from your phone: There isn’t anything worse than not having enough space to capture the most important moments.
2. Make a pro and con list: Can’t make your mind up about a decision? Make a pro and cons list to make the process much easier.
3. Take an online course: Take a useful online course. There are so many different things you could gain knowledge on.

4. Meditate
5. Leave a positive review on Amazon or Yelp.
6. Listen to a motivational podcast.
7. Journal your thoughts and release any unwanted thoughts or feelings. Don’t know where to start? Here’s a list of the best guided journals to get you started.

8. Clean out your junk drawer.
9. Make a Spotify playlist for every mood.
10. Read: Reading is a productive thing to do when you’re bored. You can read a chapter from your favorite book or an article from your favorite website.
My Top Picks

11. Go to the gym.
12. Solve a puzzle to challenge your brain.

1000 Piece Coffee and Donuts Puzzle

13. Start a blog about your passion. Whether you love food, makeup, or traveling, there are many blog topics you could write about and share your knowledge to help others.
14. Update your resume.
15. Revamp your daily routine schedule.
16. Create a bucket list.

17. Spend time with your loved ones.
18. Learn about saving money.
19. Learn a new language: It’s very beneficial to know more than one language.
20. Plan and prep your meals for the upcoming week.
21. Teach your pet a new trick.
22. Disinfect your pet’s toys and cage: If you have a pet, then you know how important it is to make sure they are healthy and living in comfort. That’s why it’s important to disinfect your pet’s cage, bed, and toys regularly.
23. Toss out all expired products: Check your medicine cabinet, makeup, spice cabinet, and pantry for all things that are out of date.

24. Fill in your weekly planner: Knowing what you would like to accomplish in the upcoming week can help you start your week off strong and create a plan of action.
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Kate Spade New York 12 Month Medium Planner
The Very Busy Planner by Amy Knapp
25. Clean out your fridge.
26. Rearrange your furniture.
27. Clean all mirrors and windows in your home: It’s always important to keep your space clean.
28. Plan a road trip.
29. Do your laundry.
30. Start a fun, savings fund: A fun way I save money is by using an old small box and placing loose change or one-dollar bills inside it. You’ll be surprised at how much you can save while still spending money.
32. Bake a treat.
33. Sell your stuff.

34. Draw
35. Dance like no one is watching!
36. Bathe your pet.
37. Make a wishlist on Amazon.
38. Go on a solo date: It’s important to practice self-love and spend time with yourself. Go for ice cream, grab a coffee, or even go out for brunch.
39. Learn to do something new on YouTube.

40. Cook a healthy meal with ingredients you already have.
41. Polish your cheap jewelry with clear polish to make it last longer.
42. Update your social media bio(s).
43. Attend an event.
44. Plan your outfit.

45. Go to a coffee shop and plan out your bills.
46. Give yourself a mani-pedi: Pamper yourself with a fresh mani and pedi.
47. Write a letter to your future self.
48. Make a scrapbook: Fill up a scrapbook with the best moments in your life.
49. Watch a ted talk.
50. Take a cooking class.

51. Clean your makeup brushes.
52. Delete contacts from your phone.
53. Take on a new challenge.
54. Cancel paid subscriptions that aren’t useful.
55. Download productivity apps that will simplify your life.
56. Take a Pilates class.
57. Organize your photos on your phone into albums. This helps them become easier to find when needed. I’m so thankful that I can create as many albums as I want to keep my photos organized. Definitely a game-changer!
58. Unfollow/Unfriend accounts on social media that you no longer like.
59. Look up new recipes.

60. Plan your dream vacation, even if you can’t quite afford it yet. It’ll be super fun to plan it out and put your mind to work! Who knows? You may be able to afford it once you save up and stop wasting money on unnecessary things.
61. Buy yourself something nice.
62. Floss: Always be sure to floss right after brushing your teeth or after eating a meal.
63. Watch a documentary.
64. Create a to-read book list.
65. Check out the Ultimate Guide To Being Productive.
66. Try a POP Pilates workout: I love this Beautiful Body Pilates | Total Body Workout by Cassie Ho. I love her workouts because they’re all apartment friendly. All you need is a yoga mat and you’re good to go!

67. Make a grocery list.
68. Clean out your car.
69. Listen to an audiobook: Get a free 30-day Amazon Audible trial and 2 free audiobooks when you sign up here, for free!
70. Deep clean your bathroom: Bored? Grab your cleaning utensils and thoroughly clean your bathroom. There’s nothing like walking into a clean and fresh bathroom.
71. Review your bank statements and see where all your money is going.
72. Clean your electronic devices: Dust can easily build up on something that’s not moving. Therefore, don’t forget to wipe or dust all your electronic devices.
73. Dust around your home.
74. Organize your closet.
75. Apply for a job: Are you currently working at a place you don’t enjoy or need something better? Maybe you’re wanting to find a better opportunity that’s in your field. Go for it!
76. Create a five-year plan.
77. Update your passwords for security purposes and store them in a safe place. Also, you can try something like this password log book.

78. Back up your phone.
79. Write down things that make you happy using this book.
80. Rest

81. Learn how to sleep better.
82. Call long-distance relatives and friends.

83. Start a scripture writing plan.
84. Try a new makeup or hair look: There are hundreds of tutorials on YouTube that you can follow to achieve a new look.
85. Do something special for your partner.
86. Create a Vision Board.
87. Make a self-care kit for bad days.
88. Review your bills and check for lower rates.
89. Learn how to drink more water: There are many ways to drink water. Here are some tips to start drinking more water!
90. Expand your vocabulary and learn a few new words.
91. Do the one thing you’ve been putting off: If you’ve been putting something off for months, then today is the day to be productive and GET IT DONE!

92. Decorate your desk to create a positive workspace that promotes productivity. Also, organizing your supplies, adding plants, and having a cute calendar are other great ways to make your space more enjoyable.

93. Fold your laundry.
94. Host a game night and invite your friends over.

Card Against Humanity – Party Game
95. Shop online: Instead of leaving the house, save time and get things shipped to your home.

96. Redecorate your room.
97. Get dolled up and take selfies.
98. Try a homemade face mask.
99. Find ways to make extra money in your spare time.
100. Make an emergency kit.
101. Live your best life! 🙂
Hope You Enjoyed These Ideas On Productive Things To Do When Bored
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