Communication is important in any relationship, whether it’s a friendship, relationship, or marriage. In these relationships, we learn how to communicate and teach others how to communicate with us.
Although it’s not always easy to communicate with your significant other, you must talk with them to know how they feel. Communicating with your S/O goes a long way and can help strengthen the connection with one another. There is always room for improvement to help you thrive in your relationships, rather than waiting until things become a bigger problem. Here are 7 ways to communicate effectively and thrive in your relationship!
It’s so easy for a conversation to go left when you or your partner misinterpret one another. If you’re feeling uneasy about something, you shouldn’t expect them to know how you feel if you aren’t communicating.
Especially if you’re starting a conversation assuming they know what you’re thinking or how you may be feeling. This can create more issues, and the conversation may stray away from the initial problem. Approach your significant other respectfully and express any concerns that you may have. This will bring forward awareness and let them know how you’re feeling.
Another thing is allowing your partner to express themselves so that you both understand one another. Rather than making assumptions, ask questions, and allow them to understand, communicate, and share their thoughts and feelings. This will help give you the clarity and understanding you need to move forward together!
Communicating with your significant other takes more than talking, expressing your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. It also requires listening to what your partner has to say. This means giving them your undivided attention without interruptions and taking value in what they have to say.
When you become an active listener, you focus on understanding things from their perspective without getting defensive. If you become focused on defending yourself when your partner is trying to express themselves, you aren’t really listening to what they have to say.
Honestly, sometimes your partner may want to vent and let go of any unwanted feelings, thoughts, and emotions. All this requires is listening. Listening will help them feel understood and show them you care about what they have to say.
Remember, you can’t listen if you are thinking of the next thing to say. Therefore, listen to your partner and allow them to be heard.
Giving your significant other a sincere compliment can go a long way. It’s easy to get comfortable with one another. However, when you compliment your partner, it shows them that you notice the good in them and appreciate them as well.
Setting the atmosphere to talk with your partner is crucial. Therefore, limit any distractions so that you can focus and engage with your partner without any interruptions.
One thing I’ve found extremely helpful is to have a weekly check-in with my husband. This gives us more than enough time to cool off and collect our thoughts to talk about any concerns.
It’s also important that you check in with your significant other daily to see how they may be feeling. The big things are important, but the things that may seem the smallest can have a huge impact on the overall dynamic between the two of you.
No one wants to spend every day talking about the same things that may lead to an argument that doesn’t end with a resolution or feeling misunderstood by their partner.
In addition to creating the environment for conversation, it’s important to have those conversations in person. Words can easily be misunderstood over texting. Whether you both prefer to talk at home, in an outdoor setting, or in a public setting, be sure to do it respectably.
Being completely transparent with your significant other is very important when communicating. Although you care about their feelings and emotions, you must remain honest and open to discuss anything with them. This will also help build trust, togetherness, and help keep your relationship healthy.
If you’re not honest with your partner, this can damage the trust or possibly create bigger issues within your relationship. Your partner can’t read your mind or know how you feel if you aren’t open and honest.
Nonetheless, to avoid hurting your partner in the long run and minimizing however you may feel, talk about things as they occur. Don’t wait until things become a bigger issue in the future to express how you’re feeling. It’s okay to talk about easy things and difficult things. Just be sure to speak with gentleness.
It’s relatively easy to play the blame game and point out your partner’s faults. However, when communicating and expressing your feelings, you must remember to be kind to your significant other.
Sharing how you feel with your partner rather than telling them what you feel they’ve done wrong can come across as less aggressive. This method won’t make them feel like they have to defend themselves.
Therefore start with the “I” approach to help your partner understand how you are feeling. (e.g., I feel _______ when you ________)
Lastly, you are a team, which means no one wins unless you both win. When having conversations with your partner, the goal should always be to ensure that the two of you feel understood and make a compromise of some sort for a positive outcome.
Regardless of the issue, it would help if you worked together as a team to move forward. Every situation is an opportunity to better the connection between you and your partner.
Be present, patient, and get on the same page with your significant other so that you may find a resolution and the both of you feel understood. Not only will this help improve your relationship, but it’ll allow you two to grow stronger together.
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