The blessed girl era is all about living your most intentional life that builds faith and becoming the woman God created you to be. As a result, you experience healing, growth, wisdom, spiritual growth, breakthroughs, and so much more! Entering your BGE (Blessed Girl Era) helps you build intentional habits that bring clarity and direction to your daily life

Faith is like a muscle, you must work on it daily to become stronger. So when you go through difficult times you persevere because you’re not relying on your own strength. You rely on your faith to pull you through.
A Little Bit About My Faith Journey
My walk with God is such a beautiful story. I always went to church as a kid and strongly desired to feel connected to God. Especially, during very difficult times in my life.
My faith gave me hope, and strength, and helped me focus on Him and free myself from all the hurt and pain I was feeling.
I don’t know where I’d be without my faith nor would I like to imagine. A few things lessons I’ve learned over the years about God are:
- He’s ALWAYS with you – no matter what you’re going through or where you’re at He’s always within you, you just have to tap into your faith.
- Prayer changes things – God is always working on your behalf, so don’t be afraid of praying whether it’s out loud or in silence. He hears you!!
- Biblical Affirmations can bring peace into your daily life – having a few scriptures to speak over your life can transform you.
- Make Holy Habits a priority – reading your Bible & applying it to your life, praying, and living with intention are essential to building faith.
- When you’re clear on your faith you experience more clarity in your life – My life desires and goals have become so much clearer. Since I am living intentionally, I don’t have to question myself if I’m doing something that God has placed on my heart.
What Is A Blessed Girl Era?
Now I know you’ve probably heard of the trends of eras such as the soft girl era, healed girl era, it girl era, and the healthy girl era, and I’m pretty sure there’s more! Haha
However, the one that inspired me to write this post is the lucky girl era. I’ve seen so many YouTube videos and podcasts titled lucky girl syndrome to the point that I began to see if there were any faith-based posts on this topic.
And to my surprise, I found absolutely zero.
I wanted to start living a more intentional life with my faith in the center of all the goals I want to accomplish, better myself, and start showing up as my true self.
So I made a list of the habits I wanted to start/get rid of along with goals that I would like to accomplish and titled it Blessed Girl Era.
The Blessed Girl Era is all about living your most intentional life while building your faith. This era will help improve your faith, live meaningful life that you enjoy, and make your habits your new of living.
But, you must do the work in order to reap the benefits and blessings that God has in store for you.
Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s get into how to enter your Blessed Girl Era!

How To Enter Your Blessed Girl Era
How To Transform Your Life
1. Set Intentions

Setting intentions that are aligned with your goals and desires is crucial. When you become clear on your goals you’re able to use intention setting to help you determine how you want to feel, the person you would like to become, or what you would like to accomplish.
It’s important to set intentions when you’re starting a new journey of any kind. Setting intentions that support your WHY will help you stay determined when you feel like giving up.
So, you’ll want to set at least 3-5 intentions for your Blessed Girl Era to help you know what to focus on in your daily life.
2. Create An Outline
Next, you’ll what to figure out how long you plan on being in your Blessed Girl Era. I first want to say that each day is a blessing and so are the things in our daily life that we consider to be small and simple.
So regardless of if you’re entering a new era or not you are always blessed. However, if you are wanting to get back on track, go all in, or level up your faith then I think having a BGE is a fun way to do so.
Determine how long you want this era to last. For example, I will be entering my blessed girl era and I am going to be in my BGE for 12 weeks. During this time, I will cutting out any distractions to help me focus on my faith and purpose.
So that I can know God better, focus on all that He has called me to do and I can maintain the blessings in my life (spiritually and physically) and the blessings to come.
3. Choose Your Theme Scripture

What’s your favorite Bible verse? What scripture speaks to you in your current place in life or of the future?
Find a scripture to use as your theme for your Blessed Girl Era. There is no wrong or right scripture to choose. The scripture I chose for my Blessed Girl Era is one of my verses in the Bible.
My theme verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. I chose this scripture simply because no matter how things look, no matter how things feel, God ALWAYS sees the bigger picture.
4. Create A Prayer
Write out a prayer that you will pray each day during this Blessed Girl Era. This is a great way to add prayer into your life and invite God in on a daily basis.
This prayer should consist of thankfulness, adoration, your goals, anything you need God’s help with, and anything else you wish to include.
5. List Habits You Want To Start

The Blessed Girl Era is all about living intentionally and living a life that you look forward to living each day. There may be areas of your life where you’d like to change. However, when you give your cares to God and do your part, He always deliver!
So, ask yourself what habits I need to start to prioritize my faith and become who God has created me to be. A few habits that I plan to start are habits that I’ve been wanting to start for some time now.
I learned that we sometimes get in our own way by not doing what we know we should be doing. If the habits you wish to start seem intimidating pray for strength and wisdom.
You can also choose how frequently you’d like to do each habit whether it’s once a week, twice a week, or daily.
6. List Habits You Want To Quit
I have a few habits that I would like to quit so I added this section to my Blessed Girl Era. Life can be overwhelming when you’re trying to create change and start new beginnings.
This is why simplifying your life can help you have more joy and peace. When you let go of things that no longer aligned with you or don’t help you take steps closer to your goals, you start to live with more intention. You begin to give more thought to the things you do and don’t do.
For me, I chose habits I wanted to quit by doing a life audit. Once I finished that I got clear on distractions that I was wasting my time on and habits that don’t serve the next level of life I’m pursuing.
7. Write Down A Few Joyful Activities To Try During Your BGE
Lastly, you want to make sure that you’re making time to enjoy the life that you were blessed with. A great way to do that is by planning time in your daily routine schedule for self-care, fun, or simply doing something that helps you be more present.
Activities that make you feel good can help you see the beauty in your day-to-day life. Gratitude is another essential element in your faith and can change your perspective.
Make a list of joyful activities to help you see and appreciate the good and live an abundant and more fulfilling life.
These Are The Ways To Enter Your Blessed Girl Era
I hope you feel inspired by today’s post and feel motivated to start living a life filled with intention and joy. The BGE can help you start living intentionally and build faith. Good luck on your journey!
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