Learning how to avoid procrastination and laziness can help you be more productive and improve your time management skills. In today’s post I’ll share a few techniques to help you start improving your focus.

Procrastination may be one thing holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams.
How often have you found yourself putting off a task until later during the day that turns into the next day, week, month, or even year? You are not alone and I’ve been guilty of this myself.
The good news is that there are a few things you can do when you notice yourself procrastinating that inspire you to take action to do the things you would like to accomplish. Learning how to avoid procrastination can help you be more productive and help you become more disciplined.
I used to find myself making excuses for why I didn’t complete certain tasks or start new ones that I wanted to do. Once I realized this, I found myself in constant cycle and soon learned how to NOT let procrastination hold me back from creating success in my daily life.
In today’s post, I’ll share a few ways of how you too can overcome procrastination and get things done. Here are 7 tips to help you avoid procrastination!

How To Avoid Procrastination
Tips To Help You Stop Procrastinating
1. Let Go Of Perfectionism

Letting go of the feeling of things needing to be perfect will help you to release any extra pressure off of yourself. Perfection can also prevent you from showing up and getting things done if you feel like you must be 100% ready to start or follow through with something. This is something that I didn’t know was holding me back from stepping out of my comfort zone and experiencing growth in my life. Once I realized that all I had to do was just start, it changed everything. I let go of the fears that caused me to procrastinate. All this to say, you don’t have to be perfect, you just need to show up for yourself because you can learn and make improvements along the way.
2. Free Yourself From Distractions
Before starting a task or project, you want to make sure that you’re creating an environment that allows you to get things done. Since distractions can be big or small and can affect the quality and the amount of time you spend completing a task, it’d be best to free yourself from any distractions that may cause us to procrastinate. This may look like silencing your devices so you aren’t interrupted by notifications, staying off social media while completing tasks, or anything that may cause you to get easily distracted while finishing important tasks.
3. Get Clear On Your Goals
Another way to avoid procrastination is to get clear with your goals and what exactly you want to achieve. When you get clear with your goals, you will have your own personal “guide” to give you direction, keep you on track, and create intention behind everything you do on a daily basis. In the past when I didn’t have a clear vision of my goals I used to find myself feeling stuck and lost, and this caused me to procrastinate and not show up. Goal setting is important and in order to not fall into the trap of procrastination, you must get clear on your goals and the timeline in which you would like to achieve them.
4. Create A Daily Routine That Serves Your Goals

Once you know what you’re working towards, you can start taking action and doing the things that you need to get done. Creating an effective daily routine to maximize your productivity will help you hold yourself accountable and take the steps needed to get a step closer to your goals daily. Managing your time and making the most of each day will also help you avoid procrastination since you are actively doing the work daily to obtain the results you hope for!
5. Focus On One Thing At A Time
Rather than feeling overwhelmed and under pressure by giving your attention to many things at once, it would be best to focus on one task at a time. By doing so you’re able to work more effectively and give your best effort to the task at hand.
6. Do The Most Difficult Task First
This hack is game a game-changer!
While you may think completing the easiest tasks first may set you up for success, I’ve discovered that doing the most challenging task first not only boosts my productivity but also helps to build my confidence when it comes to completing difficult tasks that require more time and effort. This also made it less likely for me to put it off since I completed the difficult tasks and finishing the easy tasks doesn’t take up too much time so why not do them last?
7. Use A Planner
Using a planner can help you to stay up to date with your goals and all that you have going on in your life. Planners are a great tool to help you stay on track with your goals and help you stay organized. There are tons of planners in both papers and digitally. It’s important to use a planner that is suitable for your lifestyle in order to add structure to your life. Planners are also a fantastic way to simplify your life by the day, week, and year. A few digital planners that I’m loving at the moment are, The Blogger Planner and The Glow Getter Planner by Traveling Petite Girl, The Financial Planner by Luxbook, and if you’re someone that loves a good paper planner then I recommend The Happy Planner!
Which Technique Will You Be Trying To Overcome Procrastination?
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