Having a few screen-free activities can help you decompress and focus on living and enjoying your life. We live in a world of technology and devices that often shift our attention to others or things that don’t add much fulfillment to our lives.
At the same time, we may use technology in our work and personal life.
However, spending too much time watching TV, scrolling on social media, and browsing the internet isn’t beneficial to your overall well-being.

Because it’s so easy to spend time on devices, setting boundaries is crucial to ensure you’re making time for the things that matter most to you.
Using your phone, being on social media, or binge-watching your favorite series aren’t bad acts alone.
Spending too much time on your devices can distract you from your work and goals or prevent you from being present in your day-to-day life, which can become an inconvenience.
If there are things that you’ve been wanting to try to welcome more fun into your life or live a fuller life, replacing your screen time with these activities may help you achieve this goal.
How Can I Spend More Time Without Screens?
I LOVE using my iPad, and although I use it mostly for planning, journaling, memory keeping, creativity, and productivity I still find it necessary not to spend all day looking at a screen.
If you want to live a fuller life you must make time for hobbies, activities, and fun!
Spending more time without screens is something that requires intentionality.
You might find it helpful to reflect on how the use of screens impacts your life at this very moment along with the changes you’d like to make in your life moving forward. For example, your screen time may be:
- Distracting you from your goals.
- Impacting your ability to focus.
- Causing you to compare yourself/life to others.
- Taking a toll on your mental wellness.
Honestly, many other areas of your life may be impacted by excessive screen time. All in all, it’s crucial to focus on the life you’ve been blessed to live. You can do so by having activities that don’t require a screen.
Whether you’re looking for screen-free activities to enjoy alone or a loved one. Here are 10 unique screen activities for adults to help you live a more peaceful and fuller life!📚⭐️🧋🎨

10 Unique Screen-Free Activities For Adults
Fun Things To Do That Don’t Require A Screen
1. Spending Time In Nature
Spending time outdoors is a fantastic way to have some screen-free moments in your daily life.
Going outdoors can be refreshing to your mind and can also impact how you feel.
Whether you want to simply sit and enjoy the beauty of nature or move your body.
There are tons of benefits to spending a few moments outdoors and makes a great screen-free activity that you can easily implement into your daily routine.
2. Writing
Another free and fun way to spend more time without screens is writing. Writing can be a form of self-expression, creativity, healing, or growth.
As adults, we have many responsibilities, tasks, deadlines, and commitments that require our attention and time. This can often lead to a busy mind and feeling overwhelmed.
Writing, however, can be a therapeutic and productive activity to help you clear your mind, process feelings, reflect, and get motivated. A few ways you can start writing today are:
- Journaling your thoughts and feelings using journaling prompts.
- Making a to-do list.
- Writing a letter to a loved one.
- Making a gratitude list.
- Doing a brain dump.
3. Crafting Projects
Crafting projects are another fun screen activity for adults that allows you to tap into creativity and be playful.
They’re also a great way to be present and in the moment.
Coloring in an adult coloring book, painting, scrapbooking, making a sentimental art piece for your home, or making a vision board are all ways to enjoy and look forward to a screen-free day!
4. Reading
Whether you enjoy self-help books, a good fiction book, or a faith-based book. Choose your book of choice and read away!
Regardless of the book you choose, you can make the most of your reading experience by finding you a space to read to set the vibe.
Reading at home, in a local cafe, in nature, or while listening to soft instrumentals are a few fun ways to romanticize the moment.
5. Attending Local Events
A great way to get out and enjoy yourself is to attend local events in your area.
Not only will this help you reduce screen time but it will help create memories and have something to look forward to. There are always positive things that you can get into and add adventure to your life.
You could also discover activities and events in surrounding cities and make it a road trip.
The possibilities are endless and there are so many seasonal events, attractions, and fun to get into when you’re intentional about making time for fun and spending less time watching TV or browsing media.
6. Spending Time With Family, Loved Ones, Or Pet
Time is such a precious gift that should be valued.
Life can be enjoyed and more fulfilling when we make time for our family, loved ones, pets, friends, and those we cherish. Whether it’s by calling a loved one, sending them a voice note, or message, inviting them to lunch, treating them to a coffee, or hosting a dinner.
Carving out intentional time to spend moments with those you love and care for can make all the difference. This is also something that won’t cause you to regret how you’re spending your time, whereas if spend a chunk of your day on screens and not actually living your life.
7. Cooking and/or Baking
Preparing your meals and treats makes a great activity for a screen-free day.
Cooking and baking are awesome hobbies to start simply because they can lead to a healthier lifestyle, save you money, and help you diversify your meals.
Preparing dishes is an art that pretty much anyone can learn to do.
Find a recipe that you’d like to recreate and make a list of ingredients, instructions, and other important details before starting your digital detox. This will help you plan and prep for this activity before having a screen-free day.
8. Playing Board Game
Board games are another screen-free activity for adults. Whether you want to have fun or boost your knowledge board games are a great option for a screen-free day.
Board games require you to be attentive and alert. That being said, find a game of choice to play by yourself, with your spouse, or with a loved one. Here are my board game recommendations:
9. Decluttering Your Life
A productive thing you can do to replace your screen time is decluttering your life. It’s so easy to accumulate clothes, shoes, papers, junk, and things we no longer use.
Are there things in your spaces that are just collecting dust? Whether spaces in your home, car, or office need a refresh and deep cleaning. Setting aside time to tidy up your space can transform your environment to free your space and mind from clutter.
10. Working On Self Improvement
Having screen-free days is truly a breath of fresh air. When you remove the distractions, noise, and screens. You begin to see the true beauty in your life.
No matter what life looks like, being present opens the door for peace, intentionality, gratitude, and new opportunities. Focusing on self-improvement can allow you to focus on your goals and the desires of your heart. A few ways to have a self-improvement day are:
- Getting organized.
- Creating new goals and your plan of action.
- Time blocking to complete tasks.
- Reading.
- Building your faith.
- Planning or reviewing your finances.
- Having a life audit and making improvements if needed.
These Are Screen-Free Activities For Adults
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