Are you ready to remove toxic habits from your life? If so, then you’ll discover a few toxic habits in today’s post that may feel “normal” but are taking a toll on your happiness. Letting go of these toxic habits will help you recognize the areas in your life where you may need to let go of a few bad habits that may be draining your energy.

Toxic habits have a way of unknowingly being a part of our everyday life. Most of the time, we’re unaware of any toxic trait that’s holding us back from enjoying and living our lives to the absolute full.
Instead, we’re more likely to pinpoint the toxicity in others without examining ourselves. These habits can negatively impact your relationships and, most importantly, your well-being.
A few of these toxic habits have stopped me from thriving and enjoying life in the past. However, now that I’ve let these bad habits go, I’m much happier and more positive.
Although breaking bad habits take time and discipline, it’s possible to free yourself from the bad ways that are holding you back.
What Are Toxic Habits?
I like to think of toxic habits as actions that go against your overall wellness. In order to live a life that cultivates joy and success, we must learn to stop getting in our own way by removing these toxic habits from our lives.
Especially if we want to see change. Acknowledging any negative habits that may be holding you back and taking action will be life-changing. Therefore, getting clear on your habits and determining if they’re hindering you from growth and moving forward in life will help you eventually create a life you enjoy.
Now, let’s get into the 10 toxic habits you’ll want to remove from your life to increase happiness!

Toxic Habits To Give Up
1. Comparing Yourself To Others
Everyone’s life is different. When you compare your life with others, it’s hard to enjoy and cherish your own experiences. Learn to embrace each season of your life without comparing how much further along others may appear to be.
Start appreciating all that you have accomplished and all that you have. Embracing your life and showing gratitude towards the things in life that often get taken for granted may help you appreciate your life more and help you live a happier life.
It’s not healthy to compare yourself and your journey to someone else’s life. Allowing what others are doing to make you feel like you should be doing more and feeling like you’re behind because you haven’t accomplished what they have only steals your joy.
Rather than comparing yourself to others, remind yourself you are on your own journey and there is no need to compare your life to anyone else’s.
2. Making Excuses For Yourself

Excuses will not help you succeed in life. Nor will anyone give you a pass, or show you sympathy just because you’ve had rough times or faced many hardships. It may sound brutal, but it’s the truth. Some of the most common excuses are:
- Don’t have the money.
- Don’t have time.
- Don’t have any knowledge.
- Don’t know the right people.
- It’s too hard!
- Out of shape.
Is there something about your life you would like to change? Well, I’m here to tell you that you can do anything you put your mind to! Never let anyone or anything tell you that you can’t.
Once you let go of all the excuses and scenarios on why you can’t have the life you’ve always wanted, then you’ll begin to see change. Start taking small steps daily that’ll lead to significant results and take you to the place you want to be in life.
3. Living In The Past
Your past shapes and molds you into the person that you’ve become. From bad to good experiences, both can help you learn in ways that’ll grow your character.
However, you should be mindful not to let your past interfere with your present. After all, you can’t change what has already happened, but you can determine your future!
4. Relying On Others To Make You Happy

Happiness comes from within. Which means only you can provide yourself with the satisfaction you crave. When you depend on others to make you happy, you’ll find that it’s impossible and unhealthy to put that load on someone else.
Instead, start investing in yourself and doing things that’ll bring you inner joy and help you live a more positive life.
5. Saying Yes To Everything/Everyone
Do you often feel obligated to commit yourself to every obligation that comes your way because you’re afraid to say no?
If so, it’s essential to start prioritizing your well-being and setting healthy boundaries when it comes to your commitments. It’s so easy to be a helping hand to others and always be there when they need you, but there should always be a balance.
If you’re saying yes to anything out of fear, then you should probably rethink your decision. Learn how to say no to things you don’t want to do or anything that’ll make you feel uncomfortable.
6. Doubting Yourself

Not believing in yourself will hinder your success. Self-doubt stops you from achieving things in life, but it’ll also steal your joy by magnifying your insecurities. Shift your mindset and start believing that you are worthy, successful, and capable of doing great things! A positive attitude can help you overcome any difficult situation.
7. Not Prioritizing Your Wellness
Your health is essential, and you should always make sure that you’re making healthy choices each day. Such as ensuring your body gets to rest, drinking plenty of water, and practicing self-care to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. By doing so, you’ll feel more energized and happier!
8. Checking Your Phone When Waking Up
I used to struggle with this one.
Waking up and checking your phone shouldn’t be the first thing you do. Before starting your day, you should spend time with yourself. Therefore, this may help you begin each day on a positive note. Create a morning routine to help you gather mindfulness before connecting with the world.
When I wake up, I like to start my day with a glass of water, prayer, and write down my intentions for the day. Once I’ve finished my first set of tasks, I’ll check my phone while limiting how much time I spend on social media. Therefore, I don’t get distracted or waste too much time.
9. Settling For A Mediocre Life
When you get too comfortable with where you are in life, you limit your growth. I believe that you should always strive for something in life that’ll help you grow as a person.
Whether you want a higher-paying job or to improve your health and reach your fitness goal, you will need to get out of your comfort zone and start working for the things you want!
Otherwise, you’ll be settling for a mediocre lifestyle that you wouldn’t enjoy. Also, you’ll wish you would’ve strived for those things you wanted.
10. Surrounding Yourself With Toxic People

The people that you surround yourself with may have a significant influence on how you choose to live your life. When toxic people surround you, you’re more likely to pick up a few unhealthy traits as well.
Distance yourself from people who aren’t positively impacting your life.
Like the guy/girl that doesn’t realizes your worth.
Or the friend who takes advantage of you and only wants you in their life for their convenience.
It’s okay to cut toxic people out of your life, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for putting yourself first. I must say, letting go of toxic people that I’ve crossed paths with in life allowed me to flourish in every area of my life. Therefore, I’m able to enjoy the blessings of life!
What Toxic Habit Will You Give Up Today?
I hope you found this post on Toxic Habits To Quit For A Happier Life helpful and feel inspired to let go of bad habits that are holding you back. If you enjoyed this post, feel free to check out these posts: